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James WDL Mercer II by Andrea Careaga


It's my mission to approach each story with empathy and craft human beings (or souls) audiences can connect with, even if the character commits the most heinous of acts. The goal in my work is to be a voice for those who can't yet find the strength to speak, those whose pain is ignored, and those whom we've deemed do not have a voice. If love is the answer to all this pain in the world, this is one of my ways of loving.

"A person is a person, no matter how small."

- Dr. Seuss (1904-1991)


  • Where are you from: PhiLLy/Trenton

  • Your hero: The Black women who raised me & myself.

  • Why do you act: I'm a very curious person, and acting allows me to live experiences and increase my empathy. I learn how to love myself and love others more with each character I play and each story I tell.

  • Favorite Color: Black, Green, & Pink

  • Current Favorite Song: "Zoom" by Commodores

  • A book you love: The Giver by Lois Lowry

  • A film you love: Eve's Bayou

  • A fictional character you relate to: Casper the Friendly Ghost

  • Two truths and a lie: I've gone skydiving, I'm the youngest of four, I drink my coffee with honey.

  • Artists who inspire your work: Paul Mooney, Whoopi Goldberg, Jeffrey Wright, Lee Edward Colston II, Aaliyah, Katori Hall

  • Current Favorite Song: "Zoom" by Commodores

  • Someone you'd love to meet: Robert Townshend, Keenan Ivory Wayans


Photos by Andrea Careaga

© 2022 by James WDL Mercer II

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